We have been distributing and providing technical support for CheckSum test and programming equipment since 2008. With two experienced engineers, a permanent stock of spare parts and the E-LAB-well equipped Analyst ems+ft test equipment is at the disposal of our customers and interested parties.
CheckSum LLC, a leading supplier of in-circuit test and on-board component programming solutions to the electronics industry. Their activities include the development and manufacture of test equipment, design and construction of fixtures and test programs. These enable the detection of manufacturing, sub-assembly and process defects in products. The unique component programming solutions that can be integrated into the systems represent a significant added value.
CheckSum has been delivering reliable, cost-effective and user-friendly testing solutions to its customers since 1987. Approximately 3000 CheckSum machines are in operation in more than 200 factories in 40 countries around the world, helping to increase productivity and reduce test and production costs.
Featured products:
Analyst ems
- Basic ICT/MDA measurements.
- Up to 5200 test points.
- Flexible modular design.
- User-friendly software with built-in SPC functions.
- Vacuum, mechanical, pneumatic fixture systems.
- Optional TestJet, Boundary Scan and MultiWriter tool programming.
Analyst ems+ft
- With Analyst ems + feature-testing capabilities.
MultiWriter / MultiWriter PPS
- Simultaneous programming of up to 384 parts (max. 16 types at a time).
- The MultiWriter solution can be integrated into an ICT needle bed, or
- As MultiWriter PPS, it is also available as a complete stand-alone part programming system.
Manufacturer's website: www.checksum.com