PBT, a Czech company, has been producing offline stencil printers for decades, from the simplest manual version to fully automatic versions. Each unit represents the cutting edge technology in its category. When printing by hand, for example, even the knife speed and print speed can be well matched by feel. But separation, a critical process for fine screen printing, must be controlled. Such important elements are built into PBT's equipment in a simple way, but still getting to the heart of the printing process. These machines and equipment were previously marketed under other company brands, but for years now they have been available directly from the manufacturer through ELAS.
PBT's entry-level printer: the UNIPRINT series
The UNIPRINT stencil printer range is modular, with options to configure a basic printer into a serious handheld printer. The Mylar foil positioning solution (print on foil, then reprint after foil removal if the position is correct) is well accepted in this category and achieves high accuracy. However, the adjustable Z-direction pneumatic separation option puts this printer above its class. The compression spring can also be adjusted by preload as an option.
Key features:
- 16.5 "x20" or 23 "x23" stencil frame size, optional stencil plate tensioning system
- Pneumatic Z Separation System
- spring knife force control
- positioning with Mylar film or optionally with fixed cameras
- automatically reversing knife system
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PBT's top of the range machine: the FA23 - fully automatic finepitch printer
Designed for small and medium sized manufacturing companies, this flexible, fully automatic Off-line paste printing station is the perfect solution for today's printing requirements. It features an automatic positioning system and a built-in stencil wiping solution.
Main features
- All print parameters are programmable
- 3 levels of access (operator, supervisor, service)
- Pneumatic-hydraulic separation system
- Automatic panel positioning system
- Built-in stencil wiper
- Logging print parameters
- Quick programme setup
- Cycle time 15 - 30 sec
- 23 "x23" basic stencil frame size, optional stencil plate tensioning system
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