

FluxClean T

Today, with selective soldering stations becoming more and more common, there is still a need to clean wave soldering equipment and with it wave soldering pallets. PBT's custom-developed machine protects pallets from damage and increases the lifetime of the pallets by using a high-capacity liquid flow process and efficient drying.

Washing jobs:Stencil and mounted PCB


Key features:

    • Fencing, liquid flow Spray under immersion washing chamber
    • High pressure Spray in air rinsing chamber
    • Fully automatic operation
    • Two pump cleaning sections
    • Odour-free sealed cleaning compartment
    • There are always 2 baskets in the washing cycle (the first in the cleaning phase, the second in the rinsing and drying phase)
    • Hot water rinse max 50°C
    • Drying temperature max. 110°C

Typical cycle times:

  • Cooking frame 10-15 minutes
  • Condensation trap 20-30 minutes

Automatic laundry basket handling from loading trolley