Electrovert Vectra
Medium Volume Wave Soldering
The Electrovert Vectra is a medium-volume wave soldering machine from ITW EAE with smaller dimensions than the Electra, but without sacrificing quick changeover, stability and reliability. The fluxer and preheater are also fully customisable. The machine is also available with a full nitrogen tunnel.
- Leaded and lead-free soldering
- High capacity cast iron solder bath with lifetime guarantee
- Motorised bath movement (up and down, in and out)
- Easy accessibility thanks to one-step removable covers
- Conveyor capable of carrying up to 91 kg (heavy duty conveyor)
- Also available in ES version, suitable for low volume production
Product Options
- UltraFill 4.0 solder nozzle with extra long contact time
- DwellMax 4.0 for soldering high heat-drawn parts or thick products with perfect hole filling
- Full or partial nitrogen tunnel
- Up to 1.8 m long infrared or convection preheating modules, bottom and/or top position
- Air-atomized, dropjet or ultrasonic atomized servo-controlled flux transfer systems with self-cleaning capability
- Auto-exit wing for defect reduction
- Flux flow monitor with contactless and maintenance free sensor
- Also application of organic solvent (OA) fluxes
- Equipment dimensions: 3080 x 1470 x 1680 mm (W x H x D)
- Max. processing width: 508 mm
- Maximum wave height: 20 mm