V|tome|x L300

Versatile, high-performance, industrial microfocus X-ray equipment for micro CT scans and 2D non-destructive material testing. Handling large samples up to 800mm in diameter and 1300mm in length and up to 50kg is no challenge. The machine is also available with a dual tube option, making it suitable for samples with large wall thicknesses and high resolution requirements. The X-ray tube, the associated high-voltage generator and the detector are all developed in-house. Using VG Studio software, CT scan data can be mapped and analysed in detail. The equipment is ideal for the analysis of complete electronic assemblies, castings or scientific samples.

-Microfocus direct, cooled, openable X-ray tube
-Long filament life
-High resolution, temperature stabilised Dynamic 41 detector
-8 axis motion system on granite bed (sample: X, Z, rotation; detector: X, Y, Z, shift; tube: Y direction)
-Inspection of large electronic assemblies, castings, injection moulded, welded products

-300kV / 500W Microfocus direct, cooled, openable, high power X-ray tube
-Detectability: 1,5 um
-180kV / 20W Nanofocus transmission X-ray tube with diamond target
-Detectability: 0,6 um
-Temperature-stabilised digital detector
-8 axis motion system on granite bed (sample: X, Z, rotation; detector: X, Y, Z, shift; tube: Y direction)
-Max. sample sizes: 800 x 1300 mm, 50kg
-8 axis motion system on granite bed (sample: X, Z, rotation; detector: X, Y, Z, shift; tube: Y direction)

-Dual-tube option: 2. 180kV nanofocus X-ray tube
-Metrological packages: air bearing, calibrated measurement
-Dynamic 41 detector: higher resolution
-16 bits digital line detector
-High-flux target: faster scanning, better resolution
-Click & Measure
-Volume Graphics software package for visualisation, analyses, simulations

  • Dual tube option

    Possibility to switch between high performance and high resolution tubes

  • Application example

    Video camera scanning

  • Live image

  • Direct X-ray tube

    High performance and resolution in one, interchangeable filament

  • VGStudio MAX software

    for high-level evaluation of CT scans


    Scanning of complete products possible

  • MEMS


  • Metrology, CAD comparison

  • Material testing

    Testing inhomogeneities, air barriers, particles, sponge structures, composites, fibre reinforced materials

  • Geology

    Material science analysis of rock samples, minerals is feasible



Dynamic41 detector